Just as our Pay-As-You-Go offering was created to meet the need for those businesses and organisations for whom contracts just didn’t work, we also understand that not all Webinars fall within the scope of our standard fully-managed Webinar service.
That’s why we have a comprehensive list of additional services and advanced options, that can be incorporated in to your event build; so, we can build a truly bespoke event, that is precisely tailored to your exact requirements.
Please see below for details of our standard Fully-Managed Webinar, and all additional services.
Please note: these are our core additional services, but we can provide, develop and build any number of custom options to suit your needs.

Our Fully-Managed Webinars include as standard:
- Fully-managed service with a dedicated Webcast Manager
- Up to 90 minutes streaming to up to 1000 live attendees
- 12 months On-Demand hosting
- Bespoke-built console with custom registration page and emails
- Highly-detailed data and analytics reports
- Full speaker and moderator training provided
- Live on-the-day technical support
- Rapid turn-around from the moment you deliver your content to us
Additional 30-minute broadcast slots for events exceeding 120 minutes.
Our services include a great and wide variation of styles, but for these events that need a full customisation to match your strict branding guidelines or to mimic your website exactly, we can create you a custom template.
The good thing is once created, we keep it on file for your account, so you can use it repeatedly without occurring a recharge.
Running a series? Why not limit the number of promotional emails you have to send (and your users have to receive) by having all webinars on a single page. Simple check boxes for the ones they want to attended and/or a button for attend all with a single registration form! Each webinar still has its individual reporting still!
If you run out of service packs you can simply buy more as a bolt on, remember the more you buy the more you save. (click for more information)
To book a webinar, arrange a live demo, or simply to chat about how webinars can fit in with your business strategy, simply fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch: